Yoyo The Ricecorpse
Born from an egg that came out of the 'mountain of flowers and fruits', flies across madagascar, drifts away through the ocean into london.
*sound of an egg cracking*

Hi my name is Yoyo! I am a ONE PERSON brand! yes you read that! That is me! I run the brand by myself. My job includes creating animation, comics, designing clothes, customer service, content creator, fulfilment and labour...
I am just a little me please be nice :3
Who is Y.T.R?
Yoyo known as Yoyo The Ricecorpse
CEO! entrepreneur! born in 1991!!!!! YOYO!!! YOYO DAH RICEY CORPSEY
What does your name ‘Yoyo The Ricecorpse’ mean?
I will share this secret when I am rich famous *thumbs up* promise
Do you take commissions?
Yes, if you want to PAY me for some art then Please get in touch: yoyothericecorpse@gmail.com
What program do you use for your illustration/animation?
What pens/markers/brushes do you use?
Apple pen🤓✍🏻
I use the default ink brushes
Can people use your drawings and upload on their own blogs?
Yes, you can. As long as it’s for personal use, and please if you can credit me > Yoyo The Ricecorpse when upload. If you can...
Your inspiration?
Your favourite Anime?
One Piece
Seeing your older stuff in your blog and it seems to be a little bit darker and sad when it comes to art style, is there a reason you changed so much over the time, and that now you’re a happy noodle bunny?
I was really stressed in the 2nd year of university; future was bleak at the time. I don’t remember at which point in that year I started to draw but letting my stress out on paper felt good so I carried on doing it. And now I am much happier in life so I guess my drawings became lighter too! Also I think when I started making gifs I had to simplify my drawings a lot to make it work…so that’s partly why. Hope it makes sense!
Words for aspiring artist
You can never go wrong with drawings. Its a subjective thing, so never be afraid of trying out new things. i wouldn’t worry too much about drawing techniques as such etc because you could gain that from books or through practice. just go with the flow!